Leroy Garrett’s Church of Christ Wishlist: My Additions

The following list is from Leroy Garrett’s “What I want for Churches of Christ," an addendum in A Lover’s Quarrel, An Autobiograophy: My Pilgrimage of Freedom in Churches of Christ (pp. 267-271). In general I agree with his points and will add mine below his. He writes:

  1. Let us recover our heritage as a unity people.
  2. Let us resolutely and absolutely renounce our more recent sectarian heritage.
  3. Let us, in particular, repudiate our historic position of making instrumental music a test of fellowship and cause for division.
  4. While we are to continue to be Churches of Christ, let us become what Churches of Christ truly ought to be—in the light of Scripture and our own true heritage.
  5. Let us become part of the body of Christ at large, cooperating with other Christians in the work of redeeming the world.

In addition to these ideas, and perhaps even more so, I contend:

  1. Let us refocus our efforts, centering them on discipleship and the great commission.
  2. Let us learn to partner with God via the Holy Spirit.
  3. Let us renounce cessationism, the unbiblical, post-canonical teaching that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit ceased after the formation of the Bible and time of the apostles.

I think if we pursue these last three (well, points 2-3 overlap), Garrett's five will happen naturally.